

Type ContinuousDistribution

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.Distributions

Interfaces IContinuousGenerator, IContinuousProbabilityDistribution



Public instance methods

double CumulativeDistribution(double x)

Continuous cumulative distribution function (cdf) of this probability distribution.
return double
double x

bool Equals(object obj)

return bool
object obj

int GetHashCode()

return int

Type GetType()

return Type

double NextDouble()

Returns a distributed floating point random number.
return double

double ProbabilityDensity(double x)

Continuous probability density function (pdf) of this probability distribution.
return double
double x

void Reset()

Resets the random number distribution, so that it produces the same random number sequence again.

string ToString()

return string

Public properties

bool CanReset get;

Gets a value indicating whether the random number distribution can be reset, so that it produces the same random number sequence again.
return bool

double Maximum get;

Upper limit of a random variable with this probability distribution.
return double

double Mean get;

The expected value of a random variable with this probability distribution.
return double

double Median get;

The value separating the lower half part from the upper half part of a random variable with this probability distribution.
return double

double Minimum get;

Lower limit of a random variable with this probability distribution.
return double

RandomSource RandomSource get; set;

Gets or sets a RandomSource object that can be used as underlying random number generator.
return RandomSource

double Skewness get;

Measure of the asymmetry of this probability distribution.
return double

double Variance get;

Average of the squared distances to the expected value of a random variable with this probability distribution.
return double