

Type HypergeometricDistribution

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.Distributions

Parent DiscreteDistribution



Public instance methods

double CumulativeDistribution(double x)

Continuous cumulative distribution function (cdf) of this probability distribution.
return double
double x

bool Equals(object obj)

return bool
object obj

int GetHashCode()

return int

Type GetType()

return Type

int NextInt32()

Returns a geometric distributed floating point random number.
return int

double ProbabilityMass(int x)

Discrete probability mass function (pmf) of this probability distribution.
return double
int x

void Reset()

void SetDistributionParameters(int populationSize, int favoredItems, int numberOfSamples)

Configure all distribution parameters.
int populationSize
int favoredItems
int numberOfSamples

string ToString()

return string

Public static methods

bool IsValidParameterSet(int populationSize, int favoredItems, int numberOfSamples)

Determines whether the specified parameters is valid.
return bool
int populationSize
int favoredItems
int numberOfSamples

Public properties

bool CanReset get;

return bool

int FavoredItems get; set;

Gets or sets the number of items of the population that are in favor.
return int

int Maximum get;

Gets the maximum possible value of generated random numbers.
return int

double Mean get;

Gets the mean value of generated random numbers.
return double

int Median get;

Gets the median of generated random numbers. Throws NotSupportedException since the value is not defined for this distribution.
return int

int Minimum get;

Gets the minimum possible value of generated random numbers.
return int

int NumberOfSamples get; set;

Gets or sets the number of samples.
return int

int PopulationSize get; set;

Gets or sets the population size parameter.
return int

RandomSource RandomSource get; set;

return RandomSource

double Skewness get;

Gets the skewness of generated random numbers.
return double

double Variance get;

Gets the variance of generated random numbers.
return double