

Type Complex

Namespace MathNet.Numerics

Parent ValueType

Interfaces IEquatable<Complex>, IComparable<Complex>



Public instance methods

int CompareTo(Complex other)

Compare this complex number with another complex number.
The complex number's modulus takes precedence over the argument.
return int
Complex other The complex number to compare with.

Complex Cosecant()

Trigonometric Cosecant (csc, Cosekans) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex Cosine()

Trigonometric Cosine (cos, Cosinus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex Cotangent()

Trigonometric Cotangent (cot, Cotangens) of this Complex.
return Complex

bool Equals(object obj)

Indicates whether obj is equal to this instance.
return bool
object obj

bool Equals(Complex other)

Indicates whether z is equal to this instance.
return bool
Complex other

Complex Exponential()

Exponential of this Complex (exp(x), E^x).
return Complex

int GetHashCode()

Gets the hashcode of this Complex.
return int

Type GetType()

return Type

Complex HyperbolicCosecant()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Cosecant (csch, Cosecans hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex HyperbolicCosine()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Cosine (cosh, Cosinus hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex HyperbolicCotangent()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Cotangent (coth, Cotangens hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex HyperbolicSecant()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Secant (sech, Secans hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex HyperbolicSine()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Sine (sinh, Sinus hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex HyperbolicTangent()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Tangent (tanh, Tangens hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseCosecant()

Trigonometric Arcus Cosecant (acsc, Arkuscosekans) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseCosine()

Trigonometric Arcus Cosine (acos, Arkuscosinus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseCotangent()

Trigonometric Arcus Cotangent (acot, Arkuscotangens) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseHyperbolicCosecant()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Area Cosecant (acsch, Areacosekans hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseHyperbolicCosine()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Area Cosine (acosh, Areacosinus hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseHyperbolicCotangent()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Area Cotangent (acoth, Areacotangens hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseHyperbolicSecant()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Area Secant (asech, Areasekans hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseHyperbolicSine()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Area Sine (asinh, reasinus hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseHyperbolicTangent()

Trigonometric Hyperbolic Area Tangent (atanh, Areatangens hyperbolicus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseSecant()

Trigonometric Arcus Secant (asec, Arkussekans) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseSine()

Trigonometric Arcus Sine (asin, Arkussinus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex InverseTangent()

Trigonometric Arcus Tangent (atan, Arkustangens) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex NaturalLogarithm()

Natural Logarithm of this Complex (Base E).
return Complex

Complex Power(Complex exponent)

Raise this Complex to the given value.
return Complex
Complex exponent

Complex Root(Complex rootexponent)

Raise this Complex to the inverse of the given value.
return Complex
Complex rootexponent

Complex Secant()

Trigonometric Secant (sec, Sekans) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex Sine()

Trigonometric Sine (sin, Sinus) of this Complex.
return Complex

Complex Square()

The Square (power 2) of this Complex
return Complex

Complex SquareRoot()

The Square Root (power 1/2) of this Complex
return Complex

Complex Tangent()

Trigonometric Tangent (tan, Tangens) of this Complex.
return Complex

string ToString()

Formats this Complex into a string.
return string

string ToString(NumberFormatInfo numberFormat)

Formats this Complex into a string.
return string
NumberFormatInfo numberFormat

Public static methods

Complex FromModulusArgument(double modulus, double argument)

Constructs a Complex from its modulus and argument.
return Complex
double modulus Must be non-negative.
double argument Real number.

Complex FromRealImaginary(double real, double imag)

Constructs a Complex from its real and imaginary parts.
return Complex
double real
double imag

Complex Parse(string complex)

Parse a string into a Complex.
The adopted string representation for the complex numbers is where and are doublestrings. Some alternative representations are ,, and . Additionally the string "NaN" is mapped toComplex.NaN, the string "Infinity" toComplex.ComplexInfinity, "PositiveInfinity"to Complex.DirectedInfinity(Complex.One),"NegativeInfinity" to Complex.DirectedInfinity(-Complex.One)and finally "DirectedInfinity(WVW+I*XYZ)" to Complex.DirectedInfinity(WVW+I*XYZ).Complex z = Complex.Parse("12.5+I*7"); Complex nan = Complex.Parse("NaN"); Complex infinity = Complex.Parse("Infinity");This method is symmetric to ToString.
return Complex
string complex

Complex Parse(string complex, NumberFormatInfo numberFormat)

Parse a string into a Complex.
return Complex
string complex
NumberFormatInfo numberFormat

Complex Random(IContinuousGenerator randomDistribution)

Constructs a complex number with random real and imaginary value.
return Complex
IContinuousGenerator randomDistribution Continuous random distribution or source for the real and imaginary parts.

Complex Random(IContinuousGenerator realRandomDistribution, IContinuousGenerator imagRandomDistribution)

Constructs a complex number with random real and imaginary value.
return Complex
IContinuousGenerator realRandomDistribution Continuous random distribution or source for the real part.
IContinuousGenerator imagRandomDistribution Continuous random distribution or source for the imaginary part.

Complex RandomPolar(IContinuousGenerator modulusRandomDistribution, IContinuousGenerator argumentRandomDistribution)

Constructs a complex number with random modulus and argument.
return Complex
IContinuousGenerator modulusRandomDistribution Continuous random distribution or source for the modulus.
IContinuousGenerator argumentRandomDistribution Continuous random distribution or source for the argument.

Complex RandomUnitCircle(IContinuousGenerator argumentRandomDistribution)

Constructs a complex number on the unit circle with random argument.
return Complex
IContinuousGenerator argumentRandomDistribution Continuous random distribution or source for the argument.

Public properties

double Argument get; set;

Gets or sets the argument of this Complex.
Argument always returns a value bigger than negative Pi and smaller or equal to Pi. If this Complex is zero, the Complex is assumed to be positive real with an argument of zero.
return double

IComparer ArgumentModulusComparer get;

Gets the lexicographical comparer based on (argument, modulus).
return IComparer

Complex Conjugate get; set;

Gets or sets the conjugate of this Complex.
The semantic of is such that// a, b of type Complex a.Conjugate = b;is equivalent to// a, b of type Complex a = b.Conjugate
return Complex

Complex I get;

Represents the imaginary unit number. This field is constant.
return Complex

double Imag get; set;

Gets or sets the imaginary part of this Complex.
return double

Complex Infinity get;

Represents the infinity value. This field is constant.
The semantic associated to this value is a Complex of infinite real and imaginary part. If you need more formal complex number handling (according to the Riemann Sphere and the extended complex plane C*, or using directed infinity) please check out the alternative MathNet.PreciseNumerics and MathNet.Symbolics packages instead.
return Complex

bool IsI get;

Indicates whether the Complex is the imaginary unit.
return bool

bool IsImaginary get;

Indicates the provided Complex is imaginary.
return bool

bool IsInfinity get;

Indicates the provided Complex evaluates to an infinite value.
True if it either evaluates to a complex infinity or to a directed infinity.
return bool

bool IsNaN get;

Indicates whether the provided Complex evaluates to a value that is not a number.
return bool

bool IsOne get;

Indicates whether the Complex is one.
return bool

bool IsReal get;

Indicates the provided Complex is real.
return bool

bool IsRealNonNegative get;

Indicates the provided Complex is real and not negative, that is >= 0.
return bool

bool IsZero get;

Indicates whether the Complex is zero.
return bool

double Modulus get; set;

Gets or sets the modulus of this Complex.
If this Complex is zero when the modulus is set, the Complex is assumed to be positive real with an argument of zero.
return double

IComparer ModulusArgumentComparer get;

Gets the lexicographical comparer based on (modulus, argument).
return IComparer

double ModulusSquared get; set;

Gets or sets the squared modulus of this Complex.
If this Complex is zero when the modulus is set, the Complex is assumed to be positive real with an argument of zero.
return double

Complex NaN get;

Represents a value that is not a number. This field is constant.
return Complex

Complex One get;

Represents the 1 value. This field is constant.
return Complex

double Real get; set;

Gets or sets the real part of this Complex.
return double

IComparer RealImaginaryComparer get;

Gets the lexicographical comparer based on (real, imaginary).
return IComparer

Complex Sign get;

Gets the unity of this complex (same argument, but on the unit circle; exp(I*arg))
return Complex

Complex Zero get;

Represents the zero value. This field is constant.
return Complex